Crochet Market Care Card Template | FREE
Keeping with the theme this week Im back with another post about markets and specifically the care cards that I will be giving out starting this year!

In the past I have admittedly gone the cheaper/ more frugal route when it comes to my markets. My outlook is never sink a ton of money into a new venture before seeing if it actually has legs. So my first year I tried not to spend any money on my displays or setup. This meant that instead of care cards I haded out to each customer, I had a sign with care instructions posted on my table or would convey them verbally to customers.
But lets be honest, we’ve all got terrible memories so I figured it was time to make a care card that I could place in each bag or hang out to each customer with their purchases so that that info was not lost and forgotten.
I made sure to include 3 key things:
- My logo – This helps to remind customers where they purchased the product, incase they want to find you again or reach out with questions.
- Washing instructions – Regardless of who ends up with your crochet item, they’ll probably end up getting slightly dirty over time, it happens! So I have written a small set of instructions to hand wash items with warm water and gentle soap. While most of my products CAN go through the washer and the dryer, there are some that I don’t recommend that for. So it’s just easier to have a set of generalized instructions instead.
- Eye Info – Just as a precaution, I put some info on the care care about eyes and how items should not be left unattended with young children for safety reasons.
To make life easier for everyone I have created this template which can be printed out and used for your own purposes and events! Simply print out the sheet and cut along the marked template lines to end up with uniform sized cards. I have opted to leave out the logo or room for it just to make life easier, if you want to add a logo you can use the second option.

Hope this helps and good luck with your markets this season!
Thank you so much for sharing these!
I’m not computer savvy. How do I download them? When I click it, it brings me to Pinterest. Thank you.
Hey! If you’re on a phone you can click and hold down on the screen and it should give you the option to save to photos. If your on a computer you can click and drag them onto the desktop to save them!